Darena Solutions Blog and News

Interoperability: There is FHIR® at the End of the Tunnel

Over the last decade, billions of American taxpayer dollars have been spent to achieve “interoperability” in healthcare. Has it worked? The answer depends on who you ask. However, everyone agrees that we have a long way to go. Is FHIR® the answer to the interoperability conundrum?

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2021: Time for Everyone to Play With FHIR®

As 2020 comes to a close, it is time to reflect back at the year. The COVID challenge we are faced with and drawing upon the lessons learned from it to remind everyone that regardless of the role you play in the healthcare ecosystem (patients, providers, payers, and Health IT vendors), come 2021, you need to start playing with FHIR.

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Why FHIR® Matters for Patients?

More than any other stakeholder it is patients who stand to gain the most from FHIR enabled semantic interoperability. In this blog, we outline the major benefits that patients can expect to gain from increased interoperability.

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