Darena Solutions Blog and News
(g)(10) Checklist: 10 things to check for in a FHIR® API
Do you have a game plan ready to have a (g)(10) FHIR-based API in place for the fast-approaching December 31st, 2022 deadline? We have assembled a comprehensive checklist of items you should consider for making an informed decision.
The misinformation floating around combined with an incomplete understanding of the (g)(10) FHIR API and other Cures Act requirements can be detrimental to the EHR developers and the providers. In this blog, we bust these myths, shatter misconceptions, and guide you to ask the right questions.
Cures Act: A Patient's Perspective
With the Cures Act deadlines around the corner, the focus has been on “how” to meet the requirements, and not “why”. Let’s not forget that each one of us will be a patient at some point in our lives. When we are the patient, we want Health IT to work for us. We need access to our health data for that and Cures Act makes it possible. This personal experience will make that evident.
Have (g)(10) FHIR API Burning Questions?
EHRs are feeling the heat of Cures Act requirements as the deadlines draw closer. Read on to find answers to burning questions that EHR developers and providers are faced with as they are trying to understand the implementation details of the (g)(10) FHIR API and its implications.
Feel the burn of FHIR®? Get closer to the Flame.
The final implementation phase of the most stringent requirements of the Cures Act has already begun and everyone in Healthcare IT can feel the heat of FHIR® rising. No more delays are likely in the enforcement of the ONC and the CMS rule. If you're trying to find the quickest and shortest path to meeting the Cures Act requirements let us show you SMART® approach and how to leverage the power of FHIR.
An EHR Developers' Ring of FHIR
As the Cures Act deadlines draw closer, many EHRs find themselves in the ring of FHIR, whether it be Information Blocking, Real World Testing, or the (g)(10) FHIR API certification. Continue to read to learn about different elements of Cures Update and how you can jump through them successfully.
An EHR Developers Dilemma: To Build or Not to Build
Is your EHR concerned about the fast-approaching Cures Act Conditions and Maintenance of Certification deadlines and the timelines for your team to complete internal development, QA testing, Test Wave prep, and deployment to production/users? Darena Solutions can help your EHR dev team answer the classic build vs buy question.
Real World Testing: Deadlines and Compliance
The latest Condition of Certification to maintain 2015 Edition EHR Certification is approaching fast. The EHRs will need to have an APPROVED Real World Test-plan (RWT) in place by the ONC deadline of Dec 15, 2021. The ACB deadlines are sooner. This blog highlights the specific challenges in meeting the requirements for RWT compliance and possible solutions.
Meet 3 Cures Act Deadlines with 1 Solution
The 21st Century Cures Act set out the mandates of compliance for all 2015 Edition Certified EHRs. Real World Testing (RWT) is among one of these mandates with a fast-approaching deadline. This blog highlights an efficient path to RWT compliance for EHRs to maintain the 2015 Edition certified status.
Liar, Liar, That's not FHIR®
The market for FHIR solutions is quickly heating up. While every solution may have its pros and cons, we have recently seen many announcements and promotions that we felt are misguided representations of FHIR solution's actual capabilities related to meeting regulatory requirements. In this blog, I would like to bring to light some facts, to enable you to make an informed decision.
Payers and the Holy Grail of Interoperability
Healthcare payers stand to benefit from increased interoperability.. We explore why proposed rule CMS-9115 could mean a lot for payers in 2020.
2020: The Decade of Semantic Interoperability and Compliance
Let's take a look at the history, and future, of compliance and interoperability in healthcare, and what to expect out of patient focused semantic interoperability. Will 2020 finally be the year that healthcare changes put the patient first?