An EHR Developers Dilemma: To Build or Not to Build

ONC deadlines just got real. No more wishing away the deadlines into the future. If you received the ONC reminder regarding the Attestation of Conditions and Maintenance of Certification deadline of Apr 30, 2022, you know it’s true.

To Build or Not to Build the (g)(10) FHIR-Based API

The fast-approaching deadlines might have you concerned regarding the realistic timelines for your team to complete internal development, QA testing, Test Wave prep, and deployment to production/users. These concerns could be about competitive differentiation or satisfying a new mandate as the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification. You might be worried that you may not be able to complete all the tasks timely to meet the ONC deadlines. You might be struggling with the iconic question - Do we build it, or can we incorporate a ready-made “plug-and-play” solution?


At Darena Solutions, we have had the opportunity to work with many EHR developers as they make this age-old decision regarding enhancements to their EHR applications.  We have the perfect solutions to address your concerns and help your EHR with Satisfying the mandates for the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification. The “Buy” decision has never been easier.

With our established track record of production-ready applications, you can expedite the process to meet the deadlines confidently. By incorporating the 2015 Edition Cures Act Certified BlueButtonPRO Module into your EHR, you can fast-track the compliance to the following Dec 2022/2023 deadlines:


Darena Solutions Offering
ONC Deadline
Development Timeline with Darena
Update the C-CDA to USCDIv1 – Cures Update
Plug and play component to satisfy (b)(1,2,7,8,9), (e)(1), (g)(6,9) - With attestation assistance included
Must be in place by 12/31/2022
1 Week
(g)(10) FHIR-based API
The BlueButtonPRO Certified Module will satisfy the criteria, Real-World Testing, and enrollment services
Export EHI upon Request by 10/6/2022
API must be in place by 12/31/2022
2-4 Weeks
(b)(10) Electronic Health Information Export
BlueButtonPRO Certified Module that will provide full satisfaction of all requirements, Real-World Testing, and export services
Must be in place by 12/31/2023
(satisfied with the (g)(10) criteria above)
Included with (g)(10)
(c)(1-3) Clinical Quality Measures Reporting/Cures Update
The MyMipsScore Certified Module will satisfy all requirements, including all eCQMs and Registry Measures, Real-World Testing and Data abstraction, Dashboard monitoring, and MIPS data submission to CMS
Must be in place by 12/31/2022
2 Weeks

By incorporating the 2015 Edition Cures Act Certified BlueButtonPRO Module into your EHR, you can address all the current, and future FHIR-based API Cures Act Updates required to retain and maintain your EHR's 2015 Edition Certification Status.

We are available to meet with you to discuss your needs and show you how we can provide rapid solutions that will complete your Conditions and Maintenance of Certification requirements and the production-ready applications that satisfy your role as an Actor under the Information Blocking Rule of the Cures Act.

Take action now! The clock is ticking.

Schedule a Free 15 minutes call to discuss your needs and pricing



Is (g)(10) FHIR API Certification Keeping You Up at Night?


Real World Testing: Deadlines and Compliance