Darena Solutions Blog and News
MeldRx Summer Updates: ONC HTI-1 and More
Our team has been working hard to ensure you are well-prepared for the upcoming ONC deadlines at the end of 2024. Read an overview of the key updates we'll be rolling out this summer, including ONC Endpoint Requirements under HTI-1, MeldRx directory, and app updates.
Need (b)(10) to Complete Your Certification Bingo Card?
Are you looking to fast-track your transition to 170.315 (b)(10) certification? Let us simplify your journey to quick (b)(10) compliance and CHPL listing updates.
ChatGPT and FHIR: The Possibilities
With the introduction of the HL7® FHIR® standard, accessing patient health records has become easier than ever before. When FHIR is combined with the power of artificial intelligence language models such as ChatGPT, the results are nothing short of amazing. In this blog, we explore the possibilities of interpreting patient FHIR records with the MeldRx Chat powered by ChatGPT. In the accompanying video, we showcase how patients can receive real-time assistance in understanding complex medical terminologies, test results, and treatment options. We believe that collaboration is the key to driving innovation and advancing healthcare. Join us in the movement towards a more connected and patient-centric healthcare system with ChatGPT and FHIR.
Avoid (g)(10) Live Testing with Your ONC-ATB
You might be misinformed if you think you are required to do a Live Test with your ONC-ATB before December to test the (g)(10) FHIR-based API. Integrate with BlueButtonPRO, a pre-certified (g)(10) application, and avoid live testing.
ONC Announces Consequences of Cures Act Non-Compliance
The ONC has announced its punitive action plan to deal with non-compliant Health IT developers. EHRs failing compliance will undergo Direct Review, have to submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and will be placed under a Certification Ban till they become compliant. Integrating with (g)(10) pre-certified BlueButtonPRO is an easy solution.
Critical Cures Act and BlueButtonPRO Updates
Get up to date on critical Cures Act and BlueButtonPRO services updates to be better prepared for the upcoming deadlines.
ONC's Latest Cures Act Hits: Featuring (g)(10) FHIR® API
Tune in to the message the ONC is broadcasting through their recent blogs/media to reinforce the need for (g)(10) FHIR® API and Information Blocking compliance, whom these apply to, and how the mandates will be enforced. Let’s turn up the volume on the latest hits from ONC.
Cures Act: A Patient's Perspective
With the Cures Act deadlines around the corner, the focus has been on “how” to meet the requirements, and not “why”. Let’s not forget that each one of us will be a patient at some point in our lives. When we are the patient, we want Health IT to work for us. We need access to our health data for that and Cures Act makes it possible. This personal experience will make that evident.
Feel the burn of FHIR®? Get closer to the Flame.
The final implementation phase of the most stringent requirements of the Cures Act has already begun and everyone in Healthcare IT can feel the heat of FHIR® rising. No more delays are likely in the enforcement of the ONC and the CMS rule. If you're trying to find the quickest and shortest path to meeting the Cures Act requirements let us show you SMART® approach and how to leverage the power of FHIR.
Liar, Liar, That's not FHIR®
The market for FHIR solutions is quickly heating up. While every solution may have its pros and cons, we have recently seen many announcements and promotions that we felt are misguided representations of FHIR solution's actual capabilities related to meeting regulatory requirements. In this blog, I would like to bring to light some facts, to enable you to make an informed decision.
Interoperability: There is FHIR® at the End of the Tunnel
Over the last decade, billions of American taxpayer dollars have been spent to achieve “interoperability” in healthcare. Has it worked? The answer depends on who you ask. However, everyone agrees that we have a long way to go. Is FHIR® the answer to the interoperability conundrum?
2021: Time for Everyone to Play With FHIR®
As 2020 comes to a close, it is time to reflect back at the year. The COVID challenge we are faced with and drawing upon the lessons learned from it to remind everyone that regardless of the role you play in the healthcare ecosystem (patients, providers, payers, and Health IT vendors), come 2021, you need to start playing with FHIR.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the FHIRest of Them All?
After the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule was announced, the healthcare IT marketplace has been inundated with solutions, all claiming to be able to meet or even exceed the compliance requirements. Unfortunately, there is no magic mirror available that can tell you which FHIR solution is the fairest choice for your organization. So, let’s start with some facts and follow a logical path to help you find a solution that not only meets your current needs, but aligns with your future requirements as well.
CCDA TO FHIR® Crosswalk: An Information Blocking Insurance
Updating the CCDAs might be the easiest way to share USCDI data and avoid the $1,000,000 penalty under information blocking regulation. However, it might not be the best way as Cures Act ultimately requires you to make the same data available through a FHIR® API. In this blog, we will drill a little deeper on how making this data available through a FHIR® API is a better long-term strategy than simply sharing an updated CCDA.
Am I an Information Blocker: A $1,000,000 Question
On October 29th, 2020, ONC announced an Interim Final Rule to extend compliance for some of the provisions including Information Blocking due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this blog, we discuss what changed in the Interim Final Rule, how it impacts providers and EHR vendors, and solutions for meeting the Information Blocking requirements.
BlueButtonPRO™ - First Certified Solution for Cures Act Announces Integration with Microsoft Azure API for FHIR
Darena Solutions announced a new integration between their BlueButtonPRO™ solution and Microsoft® Azure API for FHIR. BlueButtonPRO is an end-to-end FHIR-based patient engagement platform to connect providers, payers, research organizations, registries and patients.
First Certified FHIR Solution for Cures Act - BlueButtonPRO™
BlueButtonPRO™ by Darena Solutions becomes the nation’s first ONC certified solution for meeting 21st Century Cures Act requirements for EHR Vendors and Payers. BlueButtonPRO™ can be integrated with any EHR to meet the Cures Act requirements mandated by ONC for all EHR Vendors. It also meets and exceeds the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access final rule requirements for payers.
Personal FHIR® Records - A Safety Deposit Box or Interest-Bearing Account?
It can be hard to explain how a Personal FHIR® Record differs from a Personal Health Record. But in reality there is a key difference in the interoperability of the two record types. That difference is what makes a PFR special, and why every patient should have a PFR.
Why FHIR® Matters for Patients?
More than any other stakeholder it is patients who stand to gain the most from FHIR enabled semantic interoperability. In this blog, we outline the major benefits that patients can expect to gain from increased interoperability.
Payers and the Holy Grail of Interoperability
Healthcare payers stand to benefit from increased interoperability.. We explore why proposed rule CMS-9115 could mean a lot for payers in 2020.